VAGUE: A Tribute to Cebuano Society
Zee pays tribute to Vague with a special section dedicated to the Annes, Ashiras and Barbras we know. Read about the fashionable it girl, the stunning trophy wife and the sophisticated socialite and let us know: Which one are you?

hair and make up Romero Vergara
A VAGUE regular, Barbra with a brand new haircut and streamlined wardrobe reintroduces herself to Cebuano society, giving these young it girls a run for their money, showing them how to live a truly charmed life.
What’s your family business?
My family is into mining; we’re very much connected to the South African diamond magnate.
Who are you wearing right now?
Who do you consider your friends in the society world?
When you’re on top you have a lot of friends here. Well, I consider a lot of people my friends but I don’t know if they consider me a friend. But of course, I’m very close to Amparito because they’re also into the jewelry business.
What about your enemies?
I would consider politicians my enemies, especially in times of elections. They ask for contributions, so they’re my enemies every three years.
What do you say to people who call you a social climber?
Oh, well they should climb with me!
What are your thoughts on Paris Hilton?
She doesn’t deserve the name. I’ve been to Paris and it’s very romantic, and Paris Hilton is never romantic. She’s… I don’t know what you would call her.
Speaking of Paris Hilton, do you have a sex video?
Yes, 60 pounds ago but it was never released. When I did, it was still on VHS.
Do you believe that money can’t buy happiness?
I don’t believe it. I mean, money is happiness. That’s why so many people want it.
You travel quite a lot and get recognized often. Where do you go to escape the paparazzi?
My bathroom. It’s the safest place in the world. I don’t have windows in my bathroom.
If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be?
I would like to be the former pope, Pope Benedict XVI because I want to see what it’s like to be pope and then not be pope anymore, but still be alive.
If Hollywood were to make a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?
It would either be Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie. Julia Roberts because she has the best smile, lips and personality, and Angelina Jolie because she’s like me right now: we don’t have any boobs.
How many husbands have you had?
I’m a Filipina so I only have one. But to say the least, I think I have lived with seven men.
What do you say to rumors about your husband being unfaithful?
I don’t really care; I also am.
Do you have any kids?
I have three—one is in Europe, studying in Cambridge. Two of them are in the US, one in MIT and the other in Harvard.
Where did you go to school?
I finished highschool in the Philippines, then proceeded to college in Oxford and then graduate studies at MIT.
Do you have a private plane?
I have two. I can give you one.
What’s your favorite travel destination?
Antarctica. It’s the only place I get real privacy.
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
Love. But it’s on sale these days.
What’s your favorite restaurant in Cebu?
Anzani and Tavolata, and of course the ones that I own.
What’s your favorite drink?
Blue margarita
Who are your favorite designers?
For gowns, locally, I love Cary Santiago. Internationally, I love Christian Lacroix.
Where do you usually shop?
Paris, and of course Milan.
Do you have any charities?
Yes, I have a lot right now and there’s one under my name, the Barbra Foundation, which is for women who are struggling, abused women and women with unfaithful husbands—just so they can get a livelihood, and get a life.
Do you believe in plastic surgery?
Yes of course! If you’re beautiful inside but not on the outside, then go for plastic surgery. Fortunately for me, it’s just that I don’t need them. No botox, not yet. Maybe after 20 years, maybe I’ll join the likes of certain high profile women who are very open with their botox.
Where do you usually go out in Cebu?
I don’t usually go out. It’s just with friends at their houses. I mean, Cebu’s a bit crowded now and I’ve been advised by my security people to not go out as much.
Where do you live?
It’s a humble house with the front door by the Banilad gate and the back door by the Busay gate of Ma. Luisa.
What do you drive?
I don’t drive; of course I have my driver. I’m the simplest person, I don’t know the brand I’m riding on. I just ride them comfortably. That’s a man’s world.
Who’s a Cebuano guy that you have a crush on?
Mike Rama, I have a crush on him. Especially now that he won again.
Would you ever run for office?
Never. I fund politicians, but I would never run myself. It’s so tedious for me, and I don’t like going there and convincing people to vote for me. But I can buy votes though.
The Trophy Wife: ASHIRA DUPONT
hair and make up Gari Son
Poised to become Cebu’s next wine mogul, Ashira talks about how her beautiful looks and slender figure landed her in a life of luxury.
Where are you from?
Cebu City, but I actually grew up in the province, in Tuburan. I went to school and worked in Cebu.
Who is your husband?
Michel Dupont, from Antwerp, Belgium. We met during my vacation in Boracay, and I was shocked when I found out he was filthy rich in Belgium. It’s how I became a rich woman.
What is your family business?
Now I’m managing our wine importing business in the Philippines, but he still manages his jewelry business in Antwerp. I can’t tell you the name, though, because it’s very confidential.
Do you guys travel a lot?
He travels most of the time in India and in Africa, but he comes here often. He loves Boracay and Palawan; he loves the Philippines because he gets to relax. But we’ve travelled around the world—he loves Asia and I love Europe. We went to Germany, but I love Paris and Italy. It’s very romantic. I love the Mediterranean.
Do you have a private plane?
No, we don’t. I think it’s very expensive in Europe, but we only take first class flights because my husband is a very sophisticated person, very luxurious. He wants luxury all the time—if it’s five-star, six-star, I can’t tell. I’m not used to having that luxurious life, but I love him. He’s quite handsome; at least he was when he was younger.
How old is he?
He is 46 and I’m 28.
How old were you when you met?
I was 27, so it’s been a year of luxury. This is really all still shocking for me.
How did you start your wine business?
My husband is really a businessman, and he wants to earn more money so he told me to venture into the wine business. He is a shareholder of a winery in the south of France, so that’s why he exported wine to here and I receive it to sell in Cebu City.
Where do you live?
I live in Maria Luisa alone, with my helpers.
How many helpers do you have?
I have six, to take care of the house and my clothes.
What brands and designers do you like?
I love Louis Vuitton and I love Versace, it’s my favorite brand. It’s so sexy, and I feel like Donatella. That’s the look I like. I love Gucci also. I don’t like the American brands that much; I’d rather go for the European ones. I would like to be able to wear Alexander McQueen, but it’s too avant garde for me. I have bags and shoes that my husband buys for me, and he just gives me a credit card so I can shop and swipe in Europe during my vacations.
What car do you drive?
It’s an Audi, a silver one. I don’t know what model though, and I don’t know how to drive. I need to practice. We just hired a driver to drive me to the office.
What do you do everyday?
I just manage the wine business since we’re just starting. It was launched last October. It’s called “Hey, Wine!”. Hey, because it’s that great feeling of just greeting people with “hey!” It’s welcoming. If it doesn’t work we’ll change the name to “Hello, Wine!”
Do you go out a lot?
I’m not used to going out because I still don’t have a lot of friends in the social circles of Cebu. My husband isn’t here and if I go out a lot, then he might get jealous when I meet men—and I don’t want him to think that because I’m rich already. I can’t give up my husband, so I take care of him and the business. I do go out to Ayala to shop and dine in the best restaurants in Cebu.
Do you believe in plastic surgery?
Yes! Before I had small breasts but my husband didn’t like them so I opted for implants, went to Belo and had it fixed. My husband was so happy with my operation. It looks superb now. I feel like a Victoria’s Secret model.
Do you plan on having children?
Oh my God, I don’t know if my husband can handle babies, or if he’s ready for it. I would like kids though, because they’ll live a rich lifestyle and they can go to the good universities.
How often do you go to Belgium?
I lived in Belgium for seven months after the wedding, before my husband decided I should go back to the Philippines and start a business. I got bored in Belgium. It’s a cold country— nine months of cold weather—and when you’re a Filipino, you need to adjust and all, but my husband was very sensitive. He told me to go back and continue my happy life in the Philippines.
Are you on a diet right now?
No, my yaya just cooks for me. I just eat whatever she prepares.
Do you have any charities?
Yes, I do help children. My family is doing a feeding program in our barangay and soliciting money. I just give, because whatever you give will come back a thousand times over. I really believe in that. Just share the good karma, and it will come back.
Where does your family live now?
In Tuburan. I don’t want my family to live with me because I decided when I started a family of my own, I want it to be separated. I just had our house fixed there and support them.
Does your husband get mad that you support them?
He’s very understanding, because I let him understand.
Have you met your mother-inlaw?
She’s already dead, but I’ve met my father-in-law and I can’t understand him. The language is really complicated. I need to live there for five more years, then maybe I can speak fluently and understand better.
Do you and your husband have a language barrier?
No, he speaks very good English. He’s a businessman and he meets a lot of people from around the world.
Do you spit or swallow?
Of course I swallow, because I’m not bulimic. I don’t want to spit out what I put in my mouth. Just follow the natural process of things.
Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and beautiful?
Well, I would rather be poor and beautiful, because that was how I was before. I was just fortunate enough to find a very rich and handsome husband who was my knight in shining armor. He rescued me from poverty. It’s just like a Cinderella Story.
hair and make up Romero Vergara
The 19 year-old hotel chain heiress gives VAGUE a sneak peak into the life she’s tried so desperately to keep private and her plans for the not-so-distant future.
Describe your style.
Elegant and sophisticated but bitchy.
People say you’re a bitch. Are you?
When I enter a room, it’s full of bitches, but I’m the prime bitch.
There are rumors going around that your boyfriend is gay.
Those who are spreading rumors obviously just want to sleep with him.
Do you abide by the unwritten rules of friendship, like don’t sleep with your friends’ exes?
It’s always situational. It depends if my friend’s ex is hot, then maybe. It could be one way of revenge for her, right?
How do you feel about the hundreds of fake accounts of you on Facebook?
Stalkers! Ambitious!
Leather or lace?
It depends on the boyfriend, but a mix of both would be great. Hard and soft. I’m always for the balance.
Where do you usually hang out?
I’d rather not say. Commoners will start crowding up the place.
How much is your monthly allowance?
It’s too vulgar an amount to mention.
What is your take on friends who magically lose their wallets when it’s time to pay the bill?
They’re not my friends anymore.
Did you go to an international school?
Are there any other kind?
What’s your family business?
We own an IT company and we have a lot of hotels in Cebu and Manila, but we’re humble. It’s the Award Hotels.
Is there a membership club in the hotel?
For you guys no, it’s just for the beautiful bitches.
Do you have a private plane?
No, because my dad doesn’t want me to have one since I’m too bratty already. But I’m a member for all the airlines, but except the low-budget ones, of course.
Where’s the last place you traveled to?
Sorry, I travel a lot so I can’t remember. I think it was in Milan. I had lunch in Milan, dinner in Paris and then breakfast the next day in London.
Where are the Awards from?
Genovia. I’m neighbors with Princess Mia.
Are you part of the royal family?
I have to keep that a secret to protect the family, but just between us, yes.
Who’s your favorite designer?
I always loved Christian Dior and Roberto Cavalli. I love the way he goes for prints and volume.
What do you look for in a man?
I already have everything, so my perfect guy is like what everyone wants. A very simple guy: rich, handsome, very good attitude… rich.
What if the guy is poor?
Poorer than me? Well that’s a given cause I’m the richest. But he shouldn’t be far from like the second or third richest family.
What are your parents’ names?
My mom is Bitchirhea Award and my dad’s Pedro. He’s half Filipino.
What are your plans for the future?
It’s all laid out by my parents already so I don’t have to worry about that.
Are you going to take over your company?
No! I need to pay people to take over. I just want to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in different places with the best guy on my side.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to a girl?
Stared at her. After that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Were you a mean girl in high school?
I wasn’t! I was so friendly. Everyone would say hi, and then that’s it. They’ll go back to bowing their heads when they walk.
Have you had any plastic surgery?
No, everything here is real.
Are you against plastic surgery?
No. If people need the ego boost, then they can go ahead. I don’t need it.
Do you think you’re pretty?
What a stupid question.
How old are you now?
I’m 19, turning 18.
How many boyfriends have you had?
I can’t tell you, my dad might be reading.
How old do you want to be when you get married?
19. So, I have to get married soon.
Where do you like to get a drink here in Cebu?
At Crossroads, just Distillery or GILT. I love Waves at Shangri-la Mactan.
What’s your boyfriend’s name?
Stefano Dalimarsh. He’s from Belgium, I met him last night. He runs a restaurant and a club, and he’s a gangster.
What kind of sausages do you like?
Depends on my mood. But everyone loves Hungarian.
Do you prefer guys in boxers or briefs?
Boxers. I like them bouncing.
Where do you want to get married and have your honeymoon?
Paris and Maldives.
Do you have a hotel there also?
No, but my dad’s friend does.
Do you have any siblings?
No, I banished them all. It’s all about me.
Where do you live?
No, you might go to my place. In Cebu, I do have a condo in Calyx.
Where do you usually shop in Cebu?
In Ayala, but I shop when it’s closed. It’s a private thing.
Name a prominent Cebuano guy you have a crush on.
Joe Vince Canizares
- photography Dan Douglas Ong
Butch Carungay’s 50th in Neverland

By Emmanuel Hamoy
Cebu’s glitterati came out in full force for Butch Carungay’s 50th birthday bash at EdenClub. It was a fun-filled night overflowing with Pol Roger, trivia games whilst traipsing the light fantastic.

Butch Carungay and Janice Lin.

Gerry Laperal and Lotte Delima-Edwards

Romero Vergara and Oj Hofer

Mary Anne Aboitiz, Christine Pelaez, Tamsin Booth, Frances Siao and June Alegrado

Maris Holopainen and Carlo Cordaro

Janine Taylor and Mary Anne Aboitiz
Lucky Colors of 2025: Harness the Energies of Emerald Green & Carmine Red for Success

by Oj Hofer
With the Year of the Wood Snake underway, understanding the significance of lucky colors can help align us with its energetic flow. Rooted in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, the year’s fortifying shades—emerald green and carmine red—offer mindfulness and good intention attracting luck, and fostering personal growth.
Emerald green, associated with the Wood element, symbolizes renewal, clarity, and inner peace. In the year of the wood snake, its dynamic energies will empower and inspire you, fostering growth, renewal and wise transformations. The hue is ideal for moments of self-reflection, study, or creativity. Wearing or incorporating this shade into your space enhances balance and mental focus.
Carmine red, linked to the Fire element, embodies passion, confidence, and vitality. This year, which according to the Bazi Four Pillars Chart, has a lack of metal, earth and fire elements, it will bring balance and the propitious energies. It’s perfect for professional meetings, decision-making, and moments requiring assertiveness as a splash of red can energize and embolden you throughout the day.

Stella Macartney vegan Leather tote

Stefano Ricci silk tie with paisley print
To fully harness their benefits, use these colors in a contemporary, mobile context; through clothing, jewelry, bags and accessories. Alternate between these two potent tints based on your needs. For example, wear green for calmness and clarity when you are going into stressful and mind challenging meetings or appointments. Choose red when you are going into places or situations where you need courage and motivation such as fashion galas, elite socials, prestige affairs, VIP gatherings and so forth.

Saint Laurent crepe de chine mules
Optionally, you can also choose to wear these colors inconspicuously in small details, such as a garnet or jade bracelet, or a ruby or emerald pendant and earrings set. Men can wear a burgundy or forest green tie or pocket square, or casual polo shirts with poppies or with botanical prints, or jade and garnet jewelry. Doing so can subtly align your energy with the year’s vibrational flow.

Jan Leslie emerald bracelet

Daily Mood Cuff Links with red tiger’s eye tubes
The use of colors is more than just aesthetic choices or preferential picks. Colors can serve as energetic tools, reminding you of your good intentions and keeping you mindful of you daily motions. Effecting an optimistic mental state in the wearer, they can effectively shield you from negativity while fostering prosperity and emotional balance. Thoughtfully incorporating them into your wardrobe and surroundings ensures that you move through 2025 with confidence and the right intentions.
Embracing emerald green for tranquility and carmine red for strength are intentional, mindful choices that have the power to transform your energy and shape your path forward. May you have the best of luck in navigating through Year of the Snake with harmony, energy, and the power to attract good fortune.
The Java Jive

by Janine Taylor
“Coffee is more than just a drink; it’s something happening. Not as hip, but like an event, a place to be, but not like a location, but somewhere within yourself. It gives you time, but not actual hours or minutes, but a chance to be, like be yourself, and have a second cup.” — Gertrude Stein, American novelist and poet
Coffee, that magic potion in a cup, is our morning savior and the fuel that helps us get through the day. Whether you’re a stickler for the classics and prefer an espresso or need to start your day with some café au lait or a cappuccino, and yes, we live in the tropics, so iced coffee is good too, we all need our caffeine fix!

The interiors of Eddie’s Log Cabin

Eddie Woolbright with the original waiters of Eddie’s Log Cabin
Growing up in Cebu decades ago, our earliest memories of coffee were the aroma wafting from the percolator at Eddie’s Log Cabin as soon as you opened the doors. You then stepped in for a cup of Joe and a slice of pie. For our parents’ generation, the ultimate sophistication was a cup of “brewed coffee” because, at home, it was freeze-dried instant coffee with powdered creamer and sugar. Folgers was the coffee of choice. Hyperacidity in a cup when you think about it!
Starbucks descended on our shores in December 1997, and our vocabulary suddenly expanded with venti, grande, and Frappuccino. People were willing to pay exorbitant amounts for a cup of coffee. But more than that, it was an experience. It was, all of a sudden, the place to be seen. It was trendy to have coffee at all hours of the day and not just for breakfast.
Cafes have now become the place to meet up with friends, a venue for meetings, and even a space to work from, and you don’t have to be a digital nomad. You can get caffeinated in air-conditioned comfort with WIFI and a snack.
“Seattle has unleashed this weird phenomenon called the coffee shop on the world. And the coffee shop, thanks to Starbucks, is the place where socially isolated, lonely, needy people gather together to ignore one another.”
— Mark Driscoll, American author
Armed with the adage that you can never have too much caffeine, we spent an afternoon visiting three great joints in the city.

The Spring creates the perfect escape for relaxation and comfort.

Matcha latte
The first stop was The Spring, with Scandinavian-inspired interiors and a super chill vibe. A hands-on young owner, Ange Delas Penas, knows her beans well. She was behind the counter, expertly brewing using filters I had never seen before, which she said she purchased in Taiwan. Her team of trained baristas can also whip up some tasty brews, from a cortado to a matcha latte, my latest addiction.

The inviting café interiors of Commonly Uncommon

Latte and espresso
Taking a different route to avoid a flash flood, we dashed out of the car into the warmth of Commonly Uncommon at Crossroads. Don’t let this non-descript, industrial vibe fool you; this java joint knows its craft. Commonly Uncommon uses single-origin beans and, like most cafes these days, also offers coffee alternatives. They are unpretentious and bent on giving the customers the specialty coffee they want, sans judgment. If you prefer oak milk or sugar or enjoy iced drinks, you get what you want. Hence, you will see diverse patronage, from those armed with laptops and headphones to office peeps grabbing a quick caffeine fix to ladies who have lunch and everyone in between.
Plus, they are the only café that thinks of customers battling hyperacidity by offering antacid sachets, which we availed before contemplating our orders.

Tightrope’s laid-back interiors, designed for comfort and creativity
Our caffeine-fueled afternoon’s final stop was Tightrope in the former Henry Hotel. Tightrope is the largest of the three we visited, with the same industrial vibe that is very common these days, and tattooed baristas. Large windows ensure that it is always bright, and this is where you will certainly run into someone you know.

A bold and aromatic espresso shot, ready to awaken the senses.
As this was our third stop, and yes, we were ready to run a marathon after, as we were so pumped, we decided to stick to the classics and have an espresso because you can always taste the quality of a coffee in an espresso. Tightrope has a delicious burnt Basque cheesecake that can be shared, so you can also share the calories. Winding up a well-spent rainy afternoon with great coffee and gossip, we liked all three coffee shops, but Uncommonly Common really stood out.
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